Romantic bureaucracy: Alexander Kojève’s post-historical wisdom

Dossier: Romantic Transdisciplinarity 1

Romantic bureaucracy Alexander Kojève’s post-historical wisdom Boris groys Alexandre Kojève became famous primarily for his discourse on the end of history and the posthistorical condition – the discourse that he developed in his seminar on Hegel’s Phenomenology of the Spirit at the École des Hautes Études in Paris between 1933 and 1939. This seminar was […]

Mediate and aggregate

rug-pulling within a particular diegetic order, while stories that force their protagonists to reframe their entire understanding of the universe typically reinforce this ‘conceptual breakthrough’ with a change in the regime of verisimilitude: take a sledgehammer to the wall at the edge of the Dark City (Proyas 1998), and suddenly you are no longer in […]