Theoretical practices

Reivew of Natalia Romé, For Theory: Althusser and the Politics of Time
Natalia Romé, For Theory: Althusser and the Politics of Time (Lanham, Boulder, NY: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021). 206pp., £81.00 hb., 978 1 53814 764 1 Although Natalia Romé’s book For Theory: Althusser and the Politics of Time comes in the disguise of humble secondary literature, it is not just an account of Althusser’s theory of […]
Blue one way street sign pointing left with white building behind

Dramatic differences

Exchange: Marx’s theatre of economic categories It is a privilege to read Asad Haider’s critical response to my article, ‘The Theatre of Economic Categories: Rediscovering Capital in the late 1960s’ in Radical Philosophy 2.08). 1 His enthusiastic defence of Althusser’s theoretical innovation allows one to witness the impact of Reading Capital on a disciple who […]

The human mask

Exchange: Marx’s theatre of economic categories All the characters in this misunderstanding are on stage here, each playing the part ascribed to it by the effect expected of this theatre. Louis Althusser, Reading Capital You too, my friend, should have come here in disguise – as a respectable doctor of scholastic philosophy. It’s my mask […]
The eyes of Karl Marx

Between subject and citizen: On Étienne Balibar’s Foundations for Philosophical Anthropology

‘All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare.’ Spinoza’s maxim, the last sentence of The Ethics, serves as a fitting observation with which to begin a discussion of Étienne Balibar’s Citizen Subject: Foundations for Philosophical Anthropology, given the difficulty proper to the excellence of his text. Its difficulty is not, or not only, […]

Liberal democractic ideology under strain: Allende's Chile and 'The Economist' democ..alic ideology. unde.. sl..aln Allende’s Chile and IThe Economlsl’ John Krige In political, philosophical and ideological struggle, the words are also weapons and explosives or tranquillizers and poisons. Louis Althusserl This paper 2 explores some of the ways in which the ideological discourse associated with liberal democratic theory masks our cognitive access to social […]