183 Reviews: Peter Hallward and Knox Peden, eds, Concept and Form, Volume 1: Key Texts from the ‘Cahiers pour l’analyse’ Peter Hallward and Knox Peden, eds, Concept and Form Volume 2: Interviews and Essays on the ‘Cahiers pour l’analyse’ Peter Sloterdijk, You Must Change Your Life Peter Sloterdijk, The Art of Philosophy Finn Brunton, Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet Matthew Fuller and Andrew Goffey, Evil Media Pete Jordan, In the City of Bikes: The Story of the Amsterdam Cyclist T.J. Clark, Picasso and Truth: From Cubism to Guernica Gert Biesta, Julie Allan and Richard Edwards, eds, Making a Difference in Theory: The Theory Question in Education and the Education Question in Theory Uncertain Commons, Speculate This!
Dominiek Hoens, Nina Power, Nicolas Mendoza, Allan Stoekl, Andy Merrifield, Matthew Charles and Marieke de Goede ~ RP 183 (Jan/Feb 2014) ~ Reviews
REViEWSRed carnation Peter Hallward and Knox Peden, eds, Concept and Form, Volume 1: Key Texts from the ‘Cahiers pour l’analyse’, Verso, London and New York, 2012. 272 pp., £16.99 pb., 978 1 84467 872 3. Peter Hallward and Knox Peden, eds, Concept and Form, Volume 2: Interviews and Essays on the ‘Cahiers pour l’analyse’, Verso, […]