33 Reviews

REVIEWS Marxism and the Problem of Needs Kate Soper, On Human Needs, Harvester, 1981, £18.95 h.c. It is a commonplace of socialist politics that socialism must be a society ‘based on need, not on profit’. And in that famous aphorism, Marx’s communism was to be one which inscribed on its banner, ‘From each according to […]

On Materialism

On Materialism· Wal Suchting TEACHER SI FU TEACHER SI FU TEACHER SI FU Si Fu, name the basic questions of philosophy. Are things external to us, selfsufficient, independent of us, or are things in us, dependent on us, non-existent without us? What opinion is the correct one? There has been no decision about it …. […]

Objectification and Alienation in Marx and Hegel

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Crucially, linguists do not agree. Mounin, G., Clefs pOUY’ la linguistique, Seghers, Paris, 1971, p.ll. See above, ‘Process Three – The Oedipus Complex, the Father and Social Rules’ . Identified by, amongst others, E.P. Thompson. Turkle, S., Psychoanalytic Politics, Burnett Books, New York, 1979. For […]

What is Scientific Ideology?: With an Introduction by Mike Shortland

Introduction to (ieorges Canguilhem Mike Short/and Take away Canguilhem and you will no longer understand much about Althusser, Althusserianism and a whole series of discussions which have taken place among French Marxists; you will no longer grasp what is specific to sociologists such as Bourdieu, Castel, Passerson and what marks them so strongly within sociology; […]

Abstraction: A Realist Interpretation

Abstrac:tion: A Realist Interpretation Andrew Saver The relations between the theoretical and the empirical, the abstract and the concrete, have always been problematic in marxism. Marx’s disdain for knowledge based upon mere appearances has meant that few marxists have accepted the empiricist doctrine of the theory-neutrality of observation. But while, in a negative way, there […]

Cutler on Laws of Tendency

Cutler on Laws of Tendency Ted Bentan Some Notes on Cutler et.al. on Laws of Tendency (Cutler et.al., Marx’s Capital and Capitalism Today, Vol.I, chapters 4, 5 and 6.) Cutler et.al. declare themselves opposed to the epistemological privileging of any level of discourse, but prefer, instead, to engage in discursive analyses of specific problems. Nevertheless, […]

Socialization and the Self

SOCIALIZATION AND TBE SELf JEAN GRIMSHAW The problems inherent in theories which present human selves as nothing but the products of social conditioning have long been recognised. Marx, for example, wrote: The materialist doct.rine that men are products of circumstances and upbringing, and that, therefore, changed men are products of other circumstances and changed upbringing, […]

24 Reviews

RBVIBWS SOCIOBIOLOGY D. Barash, Sociobiology and Behaviour, Heinemann, 1979, £3.95 pb T. Clutton-Brock & P. Harvey, Readings in Sociobiology, W.H.Freeman, 1979, £4.95 pb W. Mackensie, Biological Issues in POlitics, Manchester UP, 1978, £3.95 hc M. Midgley, Beast and Man, Harvester, 1979, £7.50 hc M. Ruse, Sociobiology: Sense or Nonsense? D. Reidel, 1978, no price E.O.Wilson, […]

Philosophical Materialism or the Materialist Conception of History

PHILOSOPHICAL MATERIALISM OR THE MATERIALIST CONCEPTION or HISTORY Alison Assiter Introduction ‘Marxism is a materialism’. This idea has become co.mmonplace. Usually, it amounts to placing Marx and Marxism inside a philosophical tradition; one whose roots lie in the atomistic philosophies of De.mocritus and Epicurus. Much r~cent ‘Marxist’ materialism imitates or reproduces many of the ideas […]

Reply to Keat and Dews on Dialectic

DIALICTIC: A RIPLY TO KIAT A.ND DBWS RoyEdgley In an article in Radical Philosophy 15, ‘Science, Social Science, and Socialist Science: Reason as Dialectic’, I argued that one of the central doctrines of dialectical materialism, that there are contradictions in reality, and with it the claim that science can be critical of its real object, […]

Kant as a problem for Marxism

Kall. as a JRoblelD to.. Ma..xislD Martin Barker ,The relation between the thought of Immanuel Kant and the Marxist movement has been a distinctly problematic one. Kant, as the founder of the German idealist school, was recognised by Marx as one important precursor of his own theory in a general sense. But his understanding of […]

In Defence of Epistemology

R2~ If I believed in the imminent collapse of capitalism from forces internal to the economy (falling rate of profit etc), then my evaluation of movements would be affected by this. But Hindess and Hirst, while pointing this out, insist that my calculation of consequences; is itself a function of my political position (evafuation). So […]

17 Reviews

l- AltJlUsser, L. 1969 For Marx, London, Penguin; 1974 Elements d’autocritig~, Paris, HacheUe Arato, A. 1972a ‘Lukacs’ Theory of Reification’, Telos 11, pp25-66; 1972b Notes on ‘History and Class Consciousness’, Philosophical Forum Vol. JII, pp386-400 Colletti, L. 1973 Marxism and Hegel London, New Left Books Fecnberg, A. 1971 ‘Heificationand the Antimonies of Socialist Thought’ Telos […]

Michel Foucault: Prison Talk

PRISON TaLK: an interview with Miehel Foueault Introduction This interview dates from June 1975 when Michel Foucault published Surveiller et Punir (Surveillance and punishment), subtitled: Naissance ‘de la Prison (Birth of the Prison). This book can be seen as forming a trilogy with Foucault’s Madness and Civilisation (1961) and Birth of the Clinic (1963); each […]

Media and Images

practice, or realism and idealism. Different forms of it are attacked in different books. In The Clue to History Macmurray looks at the split between the theory and practice of religion; in Reason and Emotion he argues that the real distinction should be intellect and emotion, and that both are capable of rationality or irrationality. […]

16 Reviews

Reviews Goodbye to all that’ ‘1 Perry Anderson, Considerations on western Marxism, New Left Books, 121pp, £4 Marx in British culture Through the sixties and early seventies English academic’ Marxism lay back with its legs open. We experienced the successive thrills of penetration by the giants of continental European Marxist philosophy. Lukacs, Korsch, Adorno (perhaps […]