177 Reviews: Books Reviewed: Tiqqun, Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl Bruno Bosteels, Marx and Freud in Latin America: Politics, Psychoanalysis and Religion in Times of Terror Eden Medina, Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende's Chile Catherine Malabou, The New Wounded: From Neurosis to Brain Damage Catherine Malabou, Ontology of the Accident: An Essay on Destructive Plasticity Frank Ruda, Hegel's Rabble: An Investigation into Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right' Kari Weil, Thinking Animals: Why Animal Studies Now? Samantha Hum, Humans and Other Animals: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Human-Animal Interactions Albert Atkin, The Philosophy of Race George Yancy, Look, a White! Philosophical Essays on Whiteness Ash Amin, Land of Strangers Lisa Siraganian, Modernism's Other Work: The Art Object's Political Life Alex Loftus, Everyday Environmentalism: Creating an Urban Political Ecology

How best to describe the colonization of the body at this particular juncture of capitalist life? Much recent theorizing has focused on a kind of war of affects where depression, euphoria and other states of being are read not merely as signs or symptoms, but as directly produced by (and productive of) particular economic relations. […]

122 Reviews

in Vaneigemʼs expressionist polemic. Here, you suffer jolt after jolt, as intriguing commentaries on particular rights finish, and another right is bannered in capitals across the page (in this, it recalls the experience of Hegelʼs Logic, where the expositions in smaller type – oral improvisations transcribed by his students – are more accessible than the […]

156 Reviews

Reviews An omelette of men Stefan Jonsson, A Brief History of the Masses: Three Revolutions, Columbia University Press, New York, 2008, viii + 231 pp., £21.50 hb., 978 0 231 14526 8. What forms can collective political action take today? As it works through its long, hesitant goodbye to the working class and grapples with […]