A Note on R. S. Peters

A note on R. S. Peters Bob Borsley ” The ideological character of academic philosophy is much clearer in the work of some philosophers than others. One philosopher in whose writing it is particularly clear is R S Peters. In his ‘Social Principles and the Democratic State’ (written with S I Benn) , and ‘Ethics […]

Reports from Kent, London, Oxford

REPORTS HEm ~!……Discussion Weekend at Universi t..L..£.f2 ent , ,?2::.?Z__ .:!..~e first, insofar as its ‘problems’ arc emplr ~~l’: _ l,rohlems (knowledge of the external world, causality, other minJ~, personal identity, etc.), and secondly, insofar as it retain the same ideological orientation as classical empiricism. Epistemology is by its very nature prescriptive; it is for […]