Ernst Cassirer

Brnsl Casslrer lohnIbbett This is the third article in a series on neglected .1r misunderstood philosophers. The others have been on Dietzgen (in RP10) and Merleau-Ponty (in RP11). Articles on r:ollingwood and Foucault are planned; other suggestions would be welcome. Although the works of Ernst Cassirer are readily available in English, I suspect they only […]

Bakhtin, Cassirer and symbolic forms

Bakhtin, Cassirer and symbolic forms Craig brandist represent Marburg Neo-Kantian epistemology. [2] Thus, while many have noted the importance of Neo-Kantianism in Bakhtinʼs work, though with little or no archival evidence, Cassirer has remained simply one among many thinkers. Recently published interviews with Bakhtin shortly before his death make it very clear, however, that Cassirerʼs […]