Architectural Deleuzism: Neoliberal space, control and the ‘univer-city’

For many thinkers of the spatiality of contemporary capitalism, the production of all social space tends now to converge upon a single organizational paradigm designed to generate and service mobility, connectivity and flexibility. Networked, landscaped, borderless and reprogrammable, this is a space that functions, within the built environments of business, shopping, education or the ‘creative […]

Philosophy of Architecture/Architecture of Philosophy, Centre for Cultural Analysis, Theory and History (CATH) Congress, National Museum, of Photography, Film and Television, Bradford, 9–11 July 2004

Conference report Strangers in the city Philosophy of Architecture/Architecture of Philosophy Centre for Cultural Analysis, Theory and History (CATH) Congress, National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, Bradford, 9–11 July 2004 The National Museum of Photography, Film and Television – now the most visited museum in the UK outside of London – has, on its […]