45 Reviews

Ernst Bloch, The Principle of Hope Vincent Geoghegan Kate Soper, Humanism and Anti-Humanism Noel Parker Richard Edwards Evelyn Fox Keller, Reflections on Gender and Science Kathryn Russell G. W. F. Hegel, The Philosophical Propaedeutic Sean Sayers Dick Howard, From Marx to Kant Keith Ansell-Pearson Hilary Lawson, Reflexivity: The Post-Modern Predicament The Second of January Group, […]

Philosophizing the everyday: The philosophy of praxis and the fate of cultural studies

Philosophizing the everyday The philosophy of praxis and the fate of cultural studies John roberts The following presents a genealogy and critique of the concept of the ʻeverydayʼ, looking at the philosophical, political and cultural conflicts and contexts which radically transformed its contents after the Russian Revolution from a term synonymous with the ʻdailyʼ and […]

Fixing meaning: Intertextuality, inference and the horizon of the publishable

Fixing meaning Intertextuality, inference and the horizon of the publishable Rachel malik What is reading? Recent attempts to characterize it have conceded, and in many cases celebrated, its elusiveness as an experience. In Michel De Certeauʼs words, reading, unlike writing, takes no measures against the erosion of time (one forgets oneself and also forgets), it […]