61 Reviews

Bernard Harrison, Inconvenient Fictions: Literature and the Limits of Theory Genevieve Lloyd Len Doyal and lan Gough, A Theory of Human Need Roger Harris Gregor McLennan, Marxism, Pluralism and Beyond Kevin Magill Krishnan Kumar, Utopianism Ruth Levitas, The Concept of Utopia Ernst Bloch, Heritage of Our Times Vincent Geoghegan Ellie Ragland Sullivan and Mark Bracher, […]

55 Reviews

REVIEWS THE SHAMEFUL FACE OF PHILOSOPHY Michele Le Doeuff, The Philosophical Imaginary, trans. Colin Gordon, London, Athlone Press, 1989. x + 199pp., £32 hb, 0485 11352 X. Western philosophy has, by tradition, defined itself in opposition to myth, fable, the poetic, and all that inhabits the domain of the image. Whatever else either reason or […]

51 Reviews

REVIEWS ANTI -ANTI -ALTHUSSERIANISM Gregory Elliott, Althusser: The Detour of Theory, London, Verso, 1988, 359pp., £29.95 hb, £10.95 pb. Few events in the recent history of the intellectual left in Britain can have had as disruptive an effect upon its prevailing orthodoxies and habits of mind as the onset of ‘Ahtusserianism’ in the early 1970s. […]

49 Reviews

REVIEWS HEGEL: PAST AND PRESENT Laurence Dickey, Hegel: Religion, Economics, and the Politics of Spirit, 1770-1807, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (,Ideas in Context’ Series), 1987, xiii + 459pp., £30 hb. David Lamb (ed.), Hegel and Modern Philosophy, London: Croom Helm, 1987, 262pp, £30 hb. Anyone who has followed the remorseless expansion of the literature on […]

47 Reviews

REVIEWS _ ‘$’npOfPAMMbl M 0 C K B A HEGEL CONTRA NIETZSCHE Stephen Houlgate, Hegel, Nietzsche and the Criticism of Metaphysics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987,300 pp, £27.50 hb In this closely argued and ambitious book Stephen Houlgate presents an Hegelian critique of Nietzsche. The essence of this critique is that Nietzsche’s thought is insufficiently […]

45 Reviews

Ernst Bloch, The Principle of Hope Vincent Geoghegan Kate Soper, Humanism and Anti-Humanism Noel Parker Richard Edwards Evelyn Fox Keller, Reflections on Gender and Science Kathryn Russell G. W. F. Hegel, The Philosophical Propaedeutic Sean Sayers Dick Howard, From Marx to Kant Keith Ansell-Pearson Hilary Lawson, Reflexivity: The Post-Modern Predicament The Second of January Group, […]

41 Reviews

REVIEWS Young Hegels H.S. Harris, Hegel’s Development, Volume 11: Night Thoughts (Jena 1.801-6), Oxford University Press, 1983, £35 hb, lxx + 627pp Robert C. Solomon, In the Spirit of Hegel, Oxford University Press, New York, 1983, £25 hb, xxiv + 646pp M.J. Inwood, Hegel, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983, £24 hb, xv + 582pp In […]

40 Reviews

REVIEWS 8yJingo Finding The Right Level John MacKenzie, Propaganda and Empire, Manchester University Press, 1984, 288pp., 1:..25 hb MacKenzie’s book is one of that kind that takes a debate which has been going on in papers, articles and reviews, and tries to assemble a definite thesis out of the debate. It is a compilation of […]

32 Reviews

REVIEWS Marxism, Black Power, Black Revolutionaries C.L.R. James, Notes on Dialectics, Spheres of Existence and The Black Jacobins, Allison and Busby, £4.95 each The publication of these three books, which the publishers have added to the already available Beyond a Boundary and The Future in the Present, makes available a range of essays, histories and […]