172 Reviews: Books Reviewed:Fredric Jameson, Representing ‘Capital’: A Reading of Volume OneMelissa Gregg and Gregory J. Seigworth, eds, The Affect Theory ReaderMichael Bailey and Des Freedman, eds, The Assault on Universities: A Manifesto for ResistanceUniversity for Strategic Optimism, Undressing the Academy, or The Student HandjobDeborah Cook, Adorno on NatureIsabelle Thomas-Fogiel, The Death of Philosophy: Reference and Self-Reference in Contemporary ThoughtPeter E. Gordon, Continental Divide: Heidegger, Cassirer, DavosSean Sayers, Marx and Alienation: Essays on Hegelian Themes
John Kraniauskas, Todd Cronan, Matthew Charles, Kate Soper, Wesley Phillips, David Winters, Jan Kandiyali and Daniel Nemenyi ~ RP 172 (Mar/Apr 2012) ~ Reviews
Reviews Inside the factory, and outFredric Jameson, Representing ‘Capital’: A Reading of Volume One, Verso, London and New York, 2011. 158 pp., £14.99 hb., 978 1 84467 454 1. Fredric Jameson’s latest book, published hot on the heels of a monograph on Hegel’s Phenomenology (The Hegel Variations, 2010) and a large collection of essays on […]