Massacre of the Innocents: Derrida and the Cambridge Dons;Waiter Benjamin Centenary; Women and the History of Philosophy; Singer Silenced; Philosophy for Children

NEWS Massacre of the Innocents: Derrida and the Cambridge Dons On 21 March, at a lofty conclave of dons at Cambridge University, something happened. The matter for discussion was a list of academic aristos to be invited to receive an honorary doctoral degree from the Duke of Edinburgh. (Honorary degrees are solemn rewards for those […]

Women and philosophy

Women and philosophy Michele Le Doeuf £ Let us avoid getting caught up in a mere lament about the fact that ‘woman’, in addition to being, from time immemorial, alienated, beaten and deprived of political, sexual and social rights and legal identity, last and least of all saw herself forbidden any access to philosophy: as […]