Alternative economics: A new student movement
COMMENTARy Alternative economics A new student movement Engelbert stockhammer and devrim yilmaz Economics is in crisis. The profession is under attack from the media, employers and the general public. The economists we are producing are not performing the tasks society demands from them. [1] The recent global crisis not only led to a questioning of […]
Green economics versus growth economics: The case of Thomas Piketty
Green economics versus growth economics The case of Thomas Piketty Rupert read What would be a radical economics today? It would have two components. First, it must understand economics as necessarily political economy; as a continuous human, social creation subject to political manipulation and to new positive political vision and action. Second, it must be […]
Introduction to Simondon
Gilbert Simondon was at the height of his philosophical creativity when, at the end of the 1950s, he wrote his two doctoral theses: ‘Individuation in the Light of the Notions of Form and Information’ and the complementary ‘On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects’. The 1965 essay ‘Culture and Technics’ represents the consolidation of […]
Culture and technics (1965)
The word culture entails a value judgement, and to a certain extent it relates to an axiological type of content.* When used with reference to human culture, its primary meaning is metaphorical, since it looks to the techniques of grain production and gardening for a paradigm of improvement and transformation, a paradigm that might have […]
The Neue Marx-Lektüre: Putting the critique of political economy back into the critique of society
The project to re-examine Marx’s critique of political economy at the end of the 1960s by pupils of Horkheimer and Adorno is nowadays known as the Neue Marx-Lektüre (hereafter NML). This ‘new reading of Marx’, initiated principally by Alfred Schmidt, Hans-Georg Backhaus and Helmut Reichelt, attempted to free Marx from the petrified schemes of Marxist orthodoxy. […]
The day after the insurrection: On First Revolutionary Measures
The day after the insurrection On First Revolutionary Measures Jason E. smith It’s been seven years since the cratering of the global economy began in late 2007. While the concerted efforts of the dominant classes and their various client states have enabled, for the time being, the blowing of more bubbles on financial and other […]
Bruno Latour’s anthropology of the moderns: A reply to Maniglier
RESPONSE Bruno Latour’s anthropology of the moderns A reply to Maniglier Gunnar skirbekk An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns – published with the motto: si scires donum Dei (for those who do not know the Holy Scripture, this is John 4.10: ‘if you knew God’s gift’) – is said to be […]
189 Reviews
Howard Caygill, Todd Cronan, Sam Dolbear, Paul Earlie, Philip Derbyshire, Nardina Kaur, Paul Christopher Gray and Howard Feather ~ RP 189 (Jan/Feb 2015) ~ Reviews
REViEWS Heaven knows I’m miserable now Pier Paolo Pasolini, St Paul: A Screenplay, translated and introduced by Elizabeth A. Castelli, with a Foreword by Alain Badiou and an Afterword by Ward Blanton, Verso, London and New York, 2014. 240 pp., £16.99 hb., 978 1 78168 288 3. There are many reasons to welcome this translation […]
Autonomy for a ‘new world’?: 4th New World Summit, Royal Flemish Theatre, Brussels, 19-21 September 2014
NEWS autonomy for a ‘new world’? 4th New World Summit, Royal Flemish Theatre, Brussels, 19–21 September 2014Blooming in the shadow of an austerity-era EU cultural policy dominated by ‘measurable outcomes’ that has tasked the cultural field with a plethora of social work from civic engagement, care work and alleviating unemployment to any number of regeneration-based […]