196 Reviews

REVIEWS Oxymoron Paolo Virno, When the Word Becomes Flesh: Language and Human Nature, trans. Giuseppina Mecchia, Semiotext(e), South Pasadena CA, 2015. 264 pp., £12.95 pb., 978 1 58435 094 1. In Paolo Virno’s previous book, A Grammar of Multitude, grammar – in other words, the philosophy of language – played second fiddle to the multitude […]

195 Reviews

REVIEWS Krisis, what’s krisis? Neil Larsen, Mathias Nilges, Josh Robinson and Nicholas Brown, eds and trans., Marxism and the Critique of Value, M–C–M´ Publishing, Chicago, 2014. li + 397 pp., £17.82 pb., 978 098954 970 7. This publication presents the first translation into English of a compendium of texts from the German Marxist group Krisis. […]