170 Reviews: Books Reviewed:Jacques Rancière, The Politics of LiteratureJudith Butler, Jürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor and Cornell West, The Power of Religion in the Public SphereClayton Crockett, Radical Political TheologyNiilo Kauppi,Radicalism in French CultureHeiko Schmid, Wolf-Dietrich Sahr and John Urry, eds., Cities and Fascination: Beyond the Surplus of MeaningAdrian Mackenzie, Wirelessness: Radical Empiricism in Network CultureEncarnación Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Migration, Domestic Work and Affect: A Decolonial Approach on Value and the Feminization of LaborAndrew Kolin, State Power and Democracy: Before and During the Presidency of George W. Bush
David Cunningham, Roland Boer, Edward Baring, Jon Goodbun, Emilie Connolly and Terrell Carver ~ RP 170 (Nov/Dec 2011) ~ Reviews
Reviews Flaubert’s parrotJacques Rancière, The Politics of Literature, trans. Julie Rose, Polity Press, Cambridge and Malden MA, 2011. 215 pp., £55.00 hb., £17.99 pb., 978 0 74564 531 5 hb., 978 0 74564 530 8 pb. The ongoing role played by French philosophy in underwriting the contemporaneity of anglophone theory has entailed, since the 1970s, […]