43 Reviews

REVIEWS Reconstructing Structural Marxism Ted Benton, The Rise and Fall of Structural Marxism; Althusser and his Influence, Macmillan, London, 1984, 259pp lI8.00 hc, 1.6.95 pb Benton’s book has many facets: it is an introductory text, a re-evaluation and reconstruction of Structural Marxism, an argument for theoretical progress lying through the synthesis of Structural Marxism with […]

28 Reviews

REVIEWS Bambrough: Moral Scepticism and Moral Knowledge Renford Bambrough, Moral Scepticism and Moral Knowledge, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979 I read this book with some nostalgia. It was through Bambrough’s lectures and teaching on this and other topics that I was introduced to philosophy when I was a student. What attracted me then was his […]