47 Reviews

REVIEWS _ ‘$’npOfPAMMbl M 0 C K B A HEGEL CONTRA NIETZSCHE Stephen Houlgate, Hegel, Nietzsche and the Criticism of Metaphysics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987,300 pp, £27.50 hb In this closely argued and ambitious book Stephen Houlgate presents an Hegelian critique of Nietzsche. The essence of this critique is that Nietzsche’s thought is insufficiently […]

The future of fascism

Since the collapse of actually existing socialism and the abrupt ending of the Cold War that had polarized the world along the lines of contending theories of modernization, there has been a steady attempt to recover historical intensities that had been displaced by the reduction of political differences to a dyadic struggle between ʻtotalitarianismʼ and […]