Supplement: Philosophy From Below
Gerard Melling, Nick Jenkin, Stu Johnson, Hugh Tomlinson, Tony Skillen, Anonymous, Janet Vaux, Ted Sadler, John Schwarzmantel, Steve Rayner and Derek Clifford ~ RP 015 (Autumn 1976) ~ Extras
PHIEOSOPHY FROM PH I L 050 PHI CAL ADVicE 1”’£ t!.Ec.N “PlVIIII& Gc~f:~ J)~’c.uL:T’f 25p S,’-uA-r,NC’:r MY Wl11- f>R.o~I-E….,,,..ftc~ SU~Cll<.m- R.IGo~!! I I PHILOSoPHIC.A-L ADvicE -rAKE AN EPI’SfEtllol.O&/CAL BREAK. ‘2.5 PENCE Pt..EA~. 25 P aDDlaDls Out of the Depths GLASGOW SUSSEX ~IDDX. POLY PXFORD (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Reds in the Bed Into the Unknown […]