18 Editorial

Notes This issue of Radical Philosophy appears in a situation where the interests of both its writers and readers are under threat. Not only is philosophy being threatened as a result of the economic crisis, but the philosophical frameworks used by radical groups over the last decade are directly under attack: the Open University is […]

On Mao’s ‘On Practice’

Rip Bwdkeley ‘At this time we arranged for a conference at West Lake, ‘Hangchow. This was early in 1922. The leading partieipants were Chen Tu-hsiu, Li Ta-chao, Chang Kuo-tao, I thi~, Chiu Chiu-pei, and one other, a very capable Hunanese student whose name I do not recall.’ Henk Sneevliet (alias Maring) to Harold Isaacs 1935 […]

Misadventures of the Dialectic

Misadvenlures of Ihe Dialeclic Peter Dews I would like to offer some kind of critical response to the ideas on dialectic and social science which have been developed by Roy Edgley in articles published in Radical Philosophy (‘Reason as Dialectic’ RP15) and, more recently. in Critique (‘Dialectic: The Contradiction of Colletti’, Critique 7). As Edgley’s […]

Freedom as the efficacy of knowledge

r..e edom as Ihe Bfficacy of knowledge Andrew Collier In this paper, I am primarily concerned with freedom in the metaphysical sense, not with political freedom. Nevertheless, some of my examples will have political import, and I do believe that there is a relation of theoretical support between the conception of freedom which I am […]

18 Reviews

B. Hindess and P. Q. Hirst, Pre-capitalist modes of production B. Hindess and P. Q. Hirst, Mode of production and social formation: An auto-critique of ‘Pre-capitalist modes of production’ Graham Burchell Working Papers in Cultural Studies, No. 10: On Ideology Ian Craib Walter Benjamin, The Origin of German Tragic Drama Michael Ryan Jean-Pierre Faye, ed., […]

Reports, Philosophy in Schools, Nouveaux Philosophes, Swansea Again, Dr Edo Pivcevic, Philosophy Abroad, Anti-Gould

1977, hc £10.00 B. M. G. Reardon, He”el’s Philosophy of Reliijon, London, Macmillan, 1977, hc £ 8. 95 J.Rosenbaum, ed., Rivette: Texts and Interviews, London, BFI, 1977, pb O. 75p J. Schwartz, ed., The Subtle Anatomy of Capitalism, Santa Monica, Calif., Goodyear Pub Co, 1977, pb np M. Smith, The Underground and Education, London, Methuen, […]

17 Editorial

Notes In this issue we publish an important study, the first to appear in Radical Philosophy, of sexism in philosophy. Michele Le Doeuff’s article, ‘Women and Philosophy’, breaks new ground in the analysis of the politics and history of philosophical practice. The depth and force of her argument lies in the thesis that the sexism […]

Women and philosophy

Women and philosophy Michele Le Doeuf £ Let us avoid getting caught up in a mere lament about the fact that ‘woman’, in addition to being, from time immemorial, alienated, beaten and deprived of political, sexual and social rights and legal identity, last and least of all saw herself forbidden any access to philosophy: as […]

The political function of the intellectual

The political function 01 the intellectual Michel Foucault ~. The text here translated consists of extracts, published in Politigue Hebdo No. 247, 29 November 1976, from a preface to the Italian translation of a collection of articles and interviews by Michel Foucault, entitled ‘Microphysics of Power’, to be published shortly by Einaudi, Turin. The preface […]

Birth of the Subject

Birth of the Subject Colin Gordon Since 1970 Michel Foucault has published three books, L ‘Ordre du Discours (The Order of Discourse), Surveiller et Punir (Surveillance and Punishment) and La volonte de savoir (The Will to Knowledge), none of which has yet appeared in English in this country. 1 This body of untranslated work, which […]

Lukács and the Marxist Criticism of Sociology

Lukacs aacl tbe MaJlxist Ca-iticislll of Sociology IanCraib This paper is situated in the context of three interrelated arguments. The first and central issue is epistemological, concerning the grounds upon which one theory of ‘point of view’ claims to be superior to others, to represent ‘the truth’, to be ‘scientific’, to produce ‘knowledge’. The last […]

17 Reviews

l- AltJlUsser, L. 1969 For Marx, London, Penguin; 1974 Elements d’autocritig~, Paris, HacheUe Arato, A. 1972a ‘Lukacs’ Theory of Reification’, Telos 11, pp25-66; 1972b Notes on ‘History and Class Consciousness’, Philosophical Forum Vol. JII, pp386-400 Colletti, L. 1973 Marxism and Hegel London, New Left Books Fecnberg, A. 1971 ‘Heificationand the Antimonies of Socialist Thought’ Telos […]

Letter from France

J~ader.s Meeting A second RP readers’ and editors’ meeting to discuss articles appearing in this issue will be held on 20 June at 8 pm in the upstairs room of ·the Lamb and Flag, Rose street, London WC2 (off Long Acre, between Covent Garden and Leicester Square tube stations). Lette.. f..om r ….ca (The authors […]

16 Editorial

vention in education akin to those being contemplated at present in Britain) may suggest new ways of understanding the state of British philosophy. AbouIIhis issue Orthodox British philosophical theory is fe’eble and emaciated; it feeds on itself and becomes still thinner and weaker. The Radical Philosophy movement is originally a protest against this debility; and […]

Michel Foucault: Prison Talk

PRISON TaLK: an interview with Miehel Foueault Introduction This interview dates from June 1975 when Michel Foucault published Surveiller et Punir (Surveillance and punishment), subtitled: Naissance ‘de la Prison (Birth of the Prison). This book can be seen as forming a trilogy with Foucault’s Madness and Civilisation (1961) and Birth of the Clinic (1963); each […]

John MacMurray: A Neglected Philosopher

JOHN MACMURRAY: A NEGLECTED PHILOSOPHER PhilipConford A search for John Macmurray’s name in John Passmore’s 100 Years of Philosophy is enough to establish that he is neglected by the establishment of academic philosophers. Macmurray rates one mention, in a footnote only; a footnote which implicitly dismisses him as an eccentric Scot. The one work of […]