4 Editorial

RADIEAl PHIOSOPHV 4 With this issue, Radical Philosophy is one year old: During this year the movement has created a good deal of interest and received a lot of support. However, this success has also served to highlight the long struggle which will he needed if we are to have significant effects. The features of […]

Reports from Oxford, USA, Sydney, etc.

REPORTS OXFORD MEETING Finally it was agreed that there should be another National Conference in the summer. to be held in London early in the summer vacation. An attempt would be made to involve other radical groups, such as radical psychologists, sociologists and economists, and more activist groups such as radical teachers, social workers, ‘prisoners […]

3 Editorial

_DIAL PHIlOSOPHY 3 WINTER 1972 .. Since our last issue one of the most encouraging developments has been the formation of several new local groups. There are at least two functions these groups can perform both useful and neither necessarily exclusive of the other. A group aay provide a context in which ideas, ~nich are […]

Reports from Kent, London, Oxford

REPORTS HEm ~!……Discussion Weekend at Universi t..L..£.f2 ent , ,?2::.?Z__ .:!..~e first, insofar as its ‘problems’ arc emplr ~~l’: _ l,rohlems (knowledge of the external world, causality, other minJ~, personal identity, etc.), and secondly, insofar as it retain the same ideological orientation as classical empiricism. Epistemology is by its very nature prescriptive; it is for […]