A Note on ‘Orthodox Linguistics’; Language and Linguistics: Reply to Bob Borsely and Deborah Cameron; Reply to Arthur

But even given this and many other preconditions – of which the careful reading of one anothers’ texts must be the most important – it may be that there is a limit soon reached where nothing more can be yielded, and nothing more defined; and it would be plausible to conjecture that those very reasons […]

Letter on Julius Tomlin

LETTERS Dear .Bf., I am sure that readers of RP respect the tenacity and courage with which the philosopher Julius Tomin resisted the brutality and irrationality of Czech totalitarianism. Clearly the significance for Oxbridge philosophy of even its limited contact with aspects of the situation of Czech philosophy goes far beyond what Martin Walker’s journalistic […]

Heidegger Against Nazism

very often suggested a pro-Derrida line, but one could hardly call it a case of unqualified support. It was a fascinating experience to observe him wrestling with deconstructionism in his conference-ending lecture, as it is too in his recent book on Samuel Richardson, The Rape of CZarissa (Oxford, 1982). Eagleton clearly feels there are major […]

30 Letters

CORRESPONDENCE Dear Radical Philosophy, < Oh, come on Jennifer Todd (RP 28), why don't you stop flogging a dead horse. There's no point in making political art; there's just no meat left – the flies have taken .it all. It's all been consumed away, turned into culture and thrown back at us as another form […]

Analyse und Kritik

Analyse und Kritik Anton Leist * & Kritik is a new journal for the sciences in West Germany. In the following article, Anton Leist, one of its editors, explains the editorial aims. Analyse sO~lal I Historical background During the 1960s the social sciences in West Germany were, in Kuhn’s phrase, in a state of ‘crisis’; […]

Cutler on Laws of Tendency

Cutler on Laws of Tendency Ted Bentan Some Notes on Cutler et.al. on Laws of Tendency (Cutler et.al., Marx’s Capital and Capitalism Today, Vol.I, chapters 4, 5 and 6.) Cutler et.al. declare themselves opposed to the epistemological privileging of any level of discourse, but prefer, instead, to engage in discursive analyses of specific problems. Nevertheless, […]

Afghanistan and the Left

CORRESPONDENCE Afghanistan and the Left Dear Radical Philosophy, The Afghan crisis has revealed the real contours of the international political landscape. Though there is (as yet) no consensus regarding what measures should be taken in response to this crisis, a cry has echoed throughout the non-Soviet world in outright condemnation of the Russian presence. The […]

Lacan: A Reply to Rée

can also draw on a vertical account of the development of structures of interaction. Despite this enrichment, however, critical theory – in so far as it is a theory of contemporary society – retains its essentially historical and practical nature (12). The question whether McCarthy is correct in believing that Habermas’ later writings do represent […]

Scientific Socialism: A Positivist Delusion?

SCIENTifiC SOCIALISM, Jl POSITIVIST DELUSION? Russell Reat In Radical Philosophy 21, Roy Edgley replied to some criticisms I made, in RP16, of his article on ‘Science, Social Science, and Socialist Science’ in RP15. I don’t finj his comments at all convincing, and I will try to say why. At the end, I will briefly indicate […]

Reply to Keat and Dews on Dialectic

DIALICTIC: A RIPLY TO KIAT A.ND DBWS RoyEdgley In an article in Radical Philosophy 15, ‘Science, Social Science, and Socialist Science: Reason as Dialectic’, I argued that one of the central doctrines of dialectical materialism, that there are contradictions in reality, and with it the claim that science can be critical of its real object, […]

Discussion of ‘On Practice’

DISCUSSION or ON ‘ON PRACTICE’ Richard Norman Rip Bulkeley’s criticisms of Mao’s ‘On Practice’ (Radical Philosophy 18) raise again issues which were discussed by Peter Binns and Andrew Collier in R P4 and 5 (and indeed, as far as I can make out, his position seemS to ~e very close to that put forward by […]

An Editor Speaks

AN EDITOR SPEAKS J onathan Ree’ s ‘Editorial’ in R P2 0 des cribes itself as a ‘farewell performance’ written to mark his retirement as the magazine’s editorial secretary. Since the piece is a personal, occasional statement, it may seem officious to take up further space merely in order to indicate that this Editorial’s views […]

Letter from France

J~ader.s Meeting A second RP readers’ and editors’ meeting to discuss articles appearing in this issue will be held on 20 June at 8 pm in the upstairs room of ·the Lamb and Flag, Rose street, London WC2 (off Long Acre, between Covent Garden and Leicester Square tube stations). Lette.. f..om r ….ca (The authors […]

Peter Rabbit and the Grundrisse

Pale.. Rabbil aDd Ihe GJlaDdrlsse Rosa and Charley Parkin There can be no such thing as an innocent reading of the Tale of Peter Rabbit. As that. most percipient analyst of the later manuscripts, Enid Blyton. puts it: ‘We must pose this work the question of the specificity of its object, its relation to its […]